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family time

The Art of Staying in Love While Managing Motherhood

Balancing being a mom and a wife is an art. Instead of falling into a rut when life gets in the way, you and your partner can find ways to stay connected and in love.

Wellbeing mother touching noses with her young son

3 Ways to Reclaim and Re-Energize Your Home After a Divorce

With a little ingenuity and creativity, a new house – or even an old house – can feel like a home again. Here's how to reclaim your space and start fresh.

Wellbeing  woman crying because pregnancy test is negative

7 Ways to Extend Kindness When a Friend Is Dealing with Infertility

You’ve probably struggled to find the right words to say to a friend who has been trying to conceive. According to experts, here's what can help.

Wellbeing Child is playing game using thread

10 Ways to Relieve Stress While Playing With Your Kids

Playtime doesn't only have to be something you do for your kids, it's something you can do for yourself, too.

Wellbeing girl holding an apple

Be the Master of Your Emotions by Managing Them With Color

Color impacts mood. If nothing else, arming yourself with this info is a reminder of the mood you want to be in, and as a result you will likely get there faster.

Parenthood 7 Coping Skills That Make Me a Better Mom

7 Coping Skills That Make Me a Better Mom

Patience and understanding don't always come easy in the trenches of toddler raising. Fortunately, there are ways to cultivate both.

Wellbeing parents with little daughter cooking salad

5 of My Fastest, Favorite Go-To Family Dinners

Here are five of my favorite fast family dinners I serve over and over again. I empower people to grab easy ingredients and mix them together to get dinner done.

Wellbeing woman reading a book at home

16 Acts of Self-Care That Can Help Change the World

If you feel overwhelmed by the news, but also want to make a difference in your community, here are 16 ways to care for yourself while still making a difference.

Potty A kid is hugging its mother

8 Attainable Resolutions for Moms That Will Rock Your Year

Considering 92 percent of resolutions fail, I’m keeping it real with these modest goals for 2017.

Wellbeing Dumbbells and apple

Debate Club: Can a New Year's Resolution Actually Make a Difference?

I think creating a goal just because the calendar (or other people) are telling you to will only set you up for failure which could result in a decreased sense of self-worth.

Wellbeing woman sitting looing sad

My Only New Year’s Resolution Is to Be Kinder to Myself

I now know there are steps I can take to change how I think, to find the true me again. That is why I am going to take better care of myself this year. In fact, that’s the only resolution I care to...

Wellbeing teachers in kindergarten changing baby's dress

The Unexpected Joy of Hand-Me-Down Clothing

More than efficiency or aesthetics, there's a bigger reason to appreciate those carefully packed boxes of previously loved kid's clothes.

Wellbeing asleep at the computer during christmas

Managing Holiday Stress: Self-Care Strategies for Parents

While the holiday season is supposed to be a time of celebration, stressors can make this feel impossible. Here's how to take care of you this season.

Wellbeing white insects art on black background

Why You Should Vaccinate: A Pediatric Infectious Disease Expert Weighs In

Guest contributor, Leigh B. Grossman, M.D., is the Medical Alumni Endowed Professor of Pediatric Infectious Disease and the Associate Dean for International Programs in the School of Medicine at th...

Inspiration family celebrating christmas

6 Christmas Traditions That Put Others First

One way to add a layer of richness to the Christmas season is implementing a tradition that focuses on making a difference in the life of someone in need.

Inspiration girl placing christmas presents under the christmas tree

7 Survival Strategies for Holiday Gifting

No matter what you celebrate, choosing gifts for the small people in your life is no easy feat. This set of guidelines can help.

Wellbeing father and son sleeping

As A Dad, How I Work to Unplug

Is it me or does life seem to be speeding up? Every year, month, week, day, hours – even minutes – feel as though they are just flying by.

Inspiration little baby boy lying near window and looking outside on snow

A Mindful Family Plan for a Happy, Healthy Winter

The change in the quality of daylight causes seasonal depressive symptoms that go beyond typical “winter blues.” Here are some ways to help.

Wellbeing mom holding baby on shoulder

What Is Postpartum Anxiety?

When we're suddenly responsible for tiny, helpless, precious humans, it makes sense we become anxious. But how much anxiety is too much?

Wellbeing Group of people praying near river side

5 Reasons You Should Go on a Mom Retreat

Mom-specific and women-only retreats held all over the world are on the rise and gaining popularity with the baby burping bottle-and-breastfeeding masses.

Wellbeing grandfather with toddler grandson

How to Help Kids Connect With Older Generations

Kids are often uncomfortable around older people (even grandparents). Here are research-backed tips to help them connect, for the benefit of both parties.

Wellbeing A child playing with leaves

5 Ways to Get Outside in Autumn and Why Science Says You Should

All those hours kids spend climbing trees and following bugs really do soothe their psyches. Fall may require another layer, but it's well worth it.

Wellbeing mother sends her child to school

How to Combat the Back-to-School Worries

Although returning to school is exciting, it also induces anxieties that are sometimes difficult to quell.

Playtime girl planting seeds

7 Reasons Why Being in Nature is Essential for Kids

There is much that nature can do for us all. The following are seven significant reasons to convince you to make more time for it with your whole family.