mother comforting crying son

5 Ways to Help Your Kids Get Over the Back-To-School Jet Lag

by ParentCo.

Ease the transition so it doesn’t have to feel like the end of the world to wake up and do the school thing instead of the pool thing.

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mother comforting crying son

Helping Your Empath Make Their Way in the World Without Putting Them In a Bubble

by ParentCo.

We don't want to teach kids to be unempathetic, but how do we equip empaths to live in an imperfect world without staying exhausted, stressed, and sad?

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So You're Considering Encapsulating Your Placenta — Here's What You Need to Know

by ParentCo.

Placenta services are an unregulated industry, but there are certain standards, trainings, and precautions your professional specialist should follow.

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Father Swaddling His Newborn Baby on the couch

The First 90 Days of Parenting: How to Crush Your One Job

by ParentCo.

You have one job for the first 90 days of parenthood: Keep baby alive. So let's strategize.

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Little girl wearing heels with her mother in room

Feminine: The Original F Word

by ParentCo.

Let’s face it, the word feminine has baggage. Not only has it been hijacked by the tampon industry, it can be downright derogatory in certain contexts.

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mother and daughter touching noses

Honoring the Sacredness of Your Daughter's First Period

by Alyssa Colton

We don’t have to have a party to honor our daughter's first period, but treating it as nonchalantly as a nosebleed misses an opportunity.

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Illustration of People Holding Hands Around the World

Why Being Judgmental Comes Naturally and How to Curb It

by ParentCo.

It's our job as parents to teach our kids about differences and how to approach life in a non-judgmental way.

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female holding a cricket bat

In These 19 States, It's Still Legal for School Officials to Hit Children

by ParentCo.

During the 2011 to 2012 school year, American public school officials in 19 states used corporal punishment 167,000 times.

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Sad little boy covering ears while his parents arguing at home

Dealing With Your Own Anger: Why Parents Get Angry and How to Cope

by ParentCo.

Anger is a normal human emotion and actually a very useful one sometimes. The problem is the way we deal with it, especially in front of our kids.

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parent- teacher meeting

How to Approach Your Kid's Teacher When They Feel Disliked

by ParentCo.

There’s nothing worse than having your kid come home and say, “My teacher hates me,” but going to the parent-teacher conference afterward is a close second.

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happy excited young girl in yellow dress laughing and jumping in the air

Maria von Trapp: An Adoptive Parent's Hero

by ParentCo.

No one will ever have the perfect success that Ms. von Trapp did, but her lessons continue to encourage and strengthen me as a new mom.

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teenager boy sitting and covering his mouth using a hat

The H Word: How and Why to Talk With Your Kids About the Deadly Heroin Epidemic

by ParentCo.

We’re raising our children amidst an unprecedented scourge of deadly opioid addiction, and staying silent is simply not an option.

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Father and son chatting at dining table

6 Reasons to Have the Sex Talk With Your 3-Year-Old Instead of Your 13-Year-Old

by ParentCo.

If you have a little one you should be thinking now about how and when you want to introduce the topic of sex to your child.

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mature woman lying in the park looking at the sky

Coming to Terms With My Empty Nest

by Christi Sessions

Now I go home and the house is clean, lights aren’t on all over the house, and there are no dirty dishes stacked up in the sick. I miss it all.

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Pregnant women, her husband and children in a park

I'm Pregnant With My Third, Is That a Disaster for the Climate?

by ParentCo.

Every kid adds an additional 20 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions to be produced each year. But does having fewer children help solve global warming?

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pregnant woman looking at her ultrasound scan picture in hospital along with doctor

If You Love Your OB/GYN, Book Your Next 20 Years of Appointments Now

by ParentCo.

The U.S. is looking at a shortage of 22,000 OB/GYNs by 2050. Mine saved my life and my babies, all three of them.

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granny drying clothes

Finding Appreciation in a Mountain of Laundry

by ParentCo.

Pulling dinosaur sheets and tiny socks out of the dryer it occurs to me time with our loved ones is fleeting.

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Little girl in car, looking out of window, smiling bt covering her mouth

Make the Most Out of a Boring Commute By Incorporating Family Time

by ParentCo.

If you’re a suburban parent, you probably spend a lot of time in the car. If family time is hard to come by, consider incorporating the two.

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How Creativity Can Help You Find Your Way Back to You

by ParentCo.

Even if it feels like there’s just no room in your schedule, here’s why you need creativity in your life.

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father giving medicine syrup young child boy

Autumn Allergies: Common Myths You Might Still Believe

by ParentCo.

A number of myths surrounding the effective management of allergy symptoms routinely make the rounds this time of year. Let's debunk a few.

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a girl touching the mirror and looking at her reflection

How to Manage the Factors That Shape Our Kids' Body Image

by ParentCo.

Kids as young as five express dissatisfaction with their own bodies. As parents, how can we help set their body image on the right course?

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Happy parents playing with children on bed at home

The Number One Reason for Disconnect in Your Family

by Claire Taylor

Getting through the day often puts the needs of adults at odds with the needs of kids. That can make for a disconnected uphill battle.

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baby sitting in high chair eating carrot

Who’s the Boss? Ask the Baby, Says Study

by Crystal Ponti

According to new research, babies as young as 17 months can identify the dominant individuals in social situations.

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bottle feeding baby

My Baby, My Breast: a Parent Knows When Nursing Is No Longer Best

by ParentCo.

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