Mother splashin water on child in a beach

Adding Another Sibling Won't Ruin Your Kids

by ParentCo.

Experts believe there are things you can do to make the transition to life with a new baby easier on older children.

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This Is Why You Mix up Your Kids' Names, According to Science

by ParentCo.

A scientific review examined five studies involving over 1,700 participants to get to the bottom of why we can't get our kids' names straight.

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Drawing of parents fighting and child crying

Drop These 5 Ineffective Discipline Sentences From Your Parenting Playbook

by ParentCo.

As a family coach, I hear mothers and fathers say certain sentences to their children that always make me cringe.

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A lady lying in the bed folding legs

My Life as A Home Shopping Addict

by Kathleen Gemmell

This is not a tale of the dynamics of addiction. Although there wasn’t a doubt that I was a shopaholic, my story is one of disclosure.

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An astonished face

Times I Refrained From Telling My Tween Tough Sh*t

by Michelle Downing

Being a tween is more about the attitude – the attitude your child cops when they think they are a teenager but their birth certificate says otherwise.

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Mother and her kid crossing a street

To the Introverted Mom at Kindergarten Orientation

by ParentCo.

I saw you staring into space and looking like a lost puppy. I am guessing this is your first time?

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A mother breast feeding her child

The Postpartum Body Struggle: Comparison Only Makes it Worse

by ParentCo.

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Father holding her child

Growing Up Happens While You're Watching, Almost in Disbelief

by ParentCo.

All parents can hope for is to have the opportunity to watch their kids sprout strong legs of independence that will lead them on their own journey.

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A lady's face

No Rules, No Manual, and No Right Way

by Katherine Sharp

I know I'm still the same person with the same views and values, it's just that my circumstances have changed. They'll continue to change.

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A lady doing yoga

The 5-Minute Routine That Helps Me Transition From Mom to Boss (And Back Again)

by ParentCo.

This simple practice has made me a more calm and peaceful boss in my work setting and a more patient and attentive parent to my children.

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Children using laptop

How to Get Your School to Teach Digital Manners and Skills

by ParentCo.

Digital citizenship and media literacy have to be taught and modeled by the adults in kids' lives- school included.

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A shoe and a car toy

My Kid Sabotaged My Dreams of Making Friends With the Cool Dad

by ParentCo.

From across the room, I saw I him. He was wearing a Stone Temple Pilots’ T-shirt – and not just any STP tee. It was an authentic early tour shirt.

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A child sitting on a pillow in front of a table

Food: The Great International Ambassador

by ParentCo.

While I love the diversity of their palates, what I love even more is how it has created a starting point for a growing global-awareness in our family.

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A child talking to another child

Lessons on Living Right I Hope to Teach My Daughters

by ParentCo.

I've learned some lessons and had experiences growing up that I want to share with you when you are able to understand.

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A child holding a persons leg

4 Ways to Keep Bad Dreams From Ruining Your Kid’s Day

by ParentCo.

There are ways to help kids combat the effects of bad dreams so they don’t ruin their days and even identify what the dreams are about in the first place.

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I Wore My Wedding Dress to Make Mac and Cheese

by ParentCo.

Today I was sad. So to cheer myself up, I did what any other sane person would do: I dug my wedding dress out of the attic and wore it while I made dinner.

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Two children standing on a bridge

No, Dads of Daughters Don't Need Shotguns

by ParentCo.

You've heard it a billion times in reference to our girls. "Oh, better get the shotgun ready!" It's time to think about what we're actually saying.

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 pack full of colorful crayons illustration

Bram Stoker’s Back-to-School Shopping

by Melissa Pelletier

I know in my heart I must help these teachers, yet this list is a behemoth. Nevertheless, I continue my quest.

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father and son playing with toy cars

5 Supernanny Inspired Techniques to Improve Your Family Dynamic

by ParentCo.

If Supernanny can’t come to your house, try these techniques to help improve your family atmosphere through the use of humor and fun activities.

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drug images vector illustration

Why You May Reconsider Giving Combination Cold Medicines to Your Kids

by ParentCo.

The FDA has been warning against giving cold medicine to kids under four for nearly a decade, but they're still making their way into our medicine cabinet.

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legs of father carrying baby

How to Prevent a Parental Disaster During Your Afternoon Witching Hour

by ParentCo.

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Father Swaddling His Newborn Baby on the couch

My Lifelong Social Anxiety Doesn’t Have to Belong to My Daughter

by ParentCo.

My lifelong anxiety that hovers like a ghost at the edges of my parenting, always tempting me to manage my overwhelming feelings by overcompensating.

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beautiful girl smiling with green dyed hair

Look, Mom! a Van Gogh!: Why Artistic Masterpieces Matter to Teens

by ParentCo.

Even the most jaded and surly teenagers can be inspired and moved by an up close encounter with artistic masterpieces.

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Young blonde girl laughing and embarrassed giggle covering mouth with hands

There's No Normal When it Comes to Kids' Reactions to Death

by Pam Moore

Like so much of parenting, the “Telling Your Kid Her Pet Chickens Got Killed” chapter did not go as expected. But according to experts that's not uncommon.

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