A child writing using pen

Six Simple Ways to Raise Civically Engaged Kids

by ParentCo.

No matter what your personal politics are, you can raise civic-minded children ready to help their communities and put their ideas into the world.

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Menstural cup

Think Beyond the Maxipad: How to Help Your Modern Teen Manage Her Period

by ParentCo.

Today's teenagers have a wide variety of options when it comes to managing their periods.

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Waiving hand in a field

Those Thoughts Don't Make You a Bad Mom – They Make You Human

by ParentCo.

At one point or another, you’ll feel it. You will. You’ll feel trapped. You’ll get tired of being so completely depended upon. You’ll miss your freedom.

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Legs of two people

Research Shows Body Confidence Could be the Key to a Satisfying Relationship

by ParentCo.

Regardless of pant size, it’s confidence in her body that predicts a happy relationship.

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kid with rabit ear headband

Hold the Cheese: How to Photograph Your Kids as You Actually See Them

by ParentCo.

As parents, we want to remember everything. But how do you capture the essence of childhood. The images that truly tell the whole story?

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Kid made sandwitch

Kid Made Recipe: Barbecue Chicken Tacos

by ParentCo.

Let us introduce you to these crispy, oven-baked barbecue chicken sensations! Taco night done right, with plenty of time left for homework help!

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A child looking from inside a window at the rainfall

What to Do If Climate Change Flares up Your Kids' Anxiety and Depression

by ParentCo.

There are ways to handle climate change and natural disaster topics carefully so that our kids don't form a major case of eco-anxiety.

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A child crying, beside two toys

The Power of NOT Negotiating With Toddlers

by ParentCo.

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A child jumping

Embracing The Stigma of a Child Who's Labeled

by Krissy Dieruf

Fear of stigma can prevent amazing parents from seeking out professional help for a child truly struggling with a mental or behavioral health issue.

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Face appearing from wall

Spiraling Out of Control and Toward Infidelity

by ParentCo.

I want to tell him about how my marriage is broken and how numb and disconnected I feel. I wonder how I let it get so far.

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Drawing of a lady sitting, holding her legs with hand

I'm Calling it My "Miscourage"

by ParentCo.

If one in four women have miscarriages, why isn’t it talked about more commonly?

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Two friends eating apple

Maximize Your Kids' Executive Function to Help Get to School on Time

by Pam Moore

It might be time to focus less on what’s going on in your house every morning and more on what’s going on in your kids’ brains at any given moment.

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A child looking at a spoon of brocoili

Your Picky Eater Isn’t as Picky as You Think

by ParentCo.

Before you start sneaking vegetables into the brownies, or resorting to a rotation of bland kid-friendly meals, review these facts about picky eating.

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drawing of house surrounded by trees

Most Anticipated Middle Grade Books for Fall/Winter 2017

by ParentCo.

This fall and winter, the new titles on the horizon are destined to leave their mark on your middle schooler.

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A child going with father on a picnic

To Gain Perspective, Adapt These 5 Work-Related Tips to Your Parenting

by ParentCo.

Professionals use tricks all the time to gain a fresh perspective on long-term projects. You can also use them to get unstuck from the parenting dead end.

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Daigram of couple inside heart

The Challenges of Keeping Your Maiden Name

by ParentCo.

Deep down I knew that of the three options – my last name, his last name, or ours hyphenated together – the choice was made, eras ago.

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A fingerprint in front of a child

Biometrics: Coming Soon to Your School Cafeteria

by ParentCo.

Despite claims of extra security and increased efficiency, allowing our schools to use biometric technology could be a step in the wrong direction.

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A baby doing cartwheel

Elaine Aron's "The Highly Sensitive Child" Was Exactly the Book We Needed

by ParentCo.

When I first started reading "The Highly Sensitive Child," I couldn't believe there were other kids like my sweet, sensitive, yet uniquely challenging son.

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A baby sleeping on her mothers shoulder

How to Banish Mom Guilt With Self-Compassion

by ParentCo.

It starts during pregnancy, and then the worry and self-recrimination gather steam. What can you do to tame the worry-monster? The key is self-compassion.

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Two girls sitting on swing chair and talking

Why Your Teen's BFF Might Keep Them Happy for Years to Come

by ParentCo.

According to a recent study, bonds that kids form during adolescence might have a positive role in their mental health for years to come.

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Mother sleeping with her child in a tent

The Phone Setting That Helps Keep Me Present

by ParentCo.

I am easily distracted by every noise and flashing light on my phone. With a click of a button that can go away.

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Father hugging his child

Father First, Tough Guy Fireman Second

by ParentCo.

Let me tell you about the time a "tough" fireman was reduced to a slobbering, sniveling mess in the arms of his then-two-year-old daughter.

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young boy listen music with headphone

Which Everyday Sounds May Put Your Kid's Hearing at Risk? [Infographic]

by ParentCo.

Consistent exposure to everyday noises can slowly damage our hearing. See the risk level of different common sounds in this handy infographic.

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A lady making shoking face

How to Get on With Your In-Laws

by ParentCo.

Getting along with in-laws can be a chore. Remember the following do’s and don’t’s during their visit and afterwards.

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