Cracking Under the Monotony of Motherhood

by ParentCo.

Maybe I’m not cut out for this motherhood thing. Clearly, it is too late now but I really have my doubts.

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Kid made bun

Kid Made Recipe: Pumpkin Cream Puffs

by ParentCo.

Looking for a fun, fall, weekend baking project with a little pumpkin spice? Try these fluffy puffs filled with delicious pumpkin buttercream!

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A hand

How to Make More Time to Tackle that Stack of Books on Your Nightstand

by ParentCo.

If all else fails, tell your kids you’ve given yourself reading homework. Chances are, they’ll be happy to hold you to it.

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A child sitting in dressing room for a sports event

New Ways to Praise: Moving Beyond "I'm Proud of You"

by ParentCo.

We praise our kids for everything they do – broad praise that actually means little but has a major impact.

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A baby sleeping on her mothers chest

What Happened When I Had the Kind of Birth I Thought I Wanted

by ParentCo.

I wanted to believe – don’t we all – that there was a perfect birth for me and, if I played my cards right, such an experience was mine for the taking.

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A lady wearing earphone, lying in bed

Master Your Habits in Four Easy Steps

by ParentCo.

There are good habits and bad habits. How can we more easily break the ones that need breaking and form the ones that are actually beneficial?

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A girl preparing for some athletic activity

How the F-Word Brought My Daughter from the Bottom to the Top

by ParentCo.

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A girl wearing sun glasses

Proven Tips to Help Reduce Your Kid's Emotional Vulnerability

by Sanya Pelini

What if you could reduce your kid’s emotional vulnerability? Here are a few tips you can borrow from the ABC PLEASE method.

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Two cousins fighting

I Guess We'll Survive the Teenage Years

by ParentCo.

I don’t think I’m going to survive the teenage years. I know this is the same thought that millions of parents have had throughout the ages.

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Mother reading book with her child on a blanket

Cinderella Was Wrong About Stepmoms

by ParentCo.

She was nervous, sensitive, and a perfectionist, and she was a sudden mother to three. Nothing prepares you for that.

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A kid with long hair

When Sass Is the New Tantrum

by Candy Mickels Mejia

I have bad news: The tween years are basically the toddler years on steroids.

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A woman writing something

Giving up Is Not an Option

by ParentCo.

The truth is, “what someone is capable of” is not fixed or finite; it changes and shifts as we learn and grow.

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A child using tab

Don't Feel Guilty If You Don't Have Time for Family Dinner

by ParentCo.

How can your busy family carve out 15-30 minutes a day to check in and spend quality time together? Here are five alternatives to the revered family dinner.

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Mother taking her child for a walk

Why a Simple Walk is the Brain and Body Boost You Need

by ParentCo.

A walk might take a little longer than a run, but the boost to your health will be the same.

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A lady head down and sad face

Practice for Discipline and Enrichment, Not Perfection

by ParentCo.

Practice is only one of many other personal factors that predict how much kids learn.

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Tensed baby

What You Can Do When Your Kid Prefers One Parent Over the Other

by ParentCo.

Though it's not uncommon for children to prefer one parent over the other, it totally stings. Here's what you can do to make it through.

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Father repairing bycycle with his daughters

Kids Try Harder When They See You Make Mistakes, Research Finds

by ParentCo.

A new study reveals that it is actually helpful for children’s development if they see their parents make mistakes and struggle to reach their goals.

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A mother holding her baby wearing a hat

I Don’t Want to Binge Watch My Son’s Childhood

by ParentCo.

I’m not going to trot out the tired “enjoy this time because it’ll be gone too soon” trope you get from older women in the grocery store.

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A child selecting dress from the closet

7 Kid Requests You Should Agree To in the Name of Autonomy and Independence

by ParentCo.

What are the costs and benefits of saying "yes" to these 7 common kid requests?

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Hand touching rock in stream

How to Get Gift-Givers on Board With Giving Experiences Over Things

by ParentCo.

Win people over to the experience-giving side by offering them the benefits of this approach, along with some easy ways for them to make the transition.

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little boy looking upwards and smiling

Inspiring Imaginative Play in the Logical, Literal Kid

by ParentCo.

Play is a critical component in optimal development for kids. Yet, for some, imaginative play may not come naturally.

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Two person swimming on a pool

Playing the Parenting Game for Keeps

by ParentCo.

My sons often remind me that the parenting game is not necessarily about winning or losing. It’s about the effort that goes into playing the game.

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Drawing of a giraffe in the forest

10 Inspiring Books for Kids Struggling to Fit in at School

by ParentCo.

These 10 books help them see how normal those feelings are while showing how to increase self-esteem, be themselves, and show kindness to others.

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A kid eating

A Simple Solution to (Eventually) Getting Your Kid to Eat

by ParentCo.

This trick is pretty simple. Invite your kid’s nose to dinner.

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