Bag, Pen, Spectacles, Copy, Book, Pencil , Holder

For Success in School, Teach Your Children How to Study

by ParentCo.

Helping your child develop good study habits will also help them develop the skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

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A cartoon aiming arrow towards the head of another cartoon

We Can't End Bullying, But We Can Teach Our Kids How to Handle It

by ParentCo.

Like adults, kids are people who disagree, argue, and get their feelings hurt. Instead of expecting to prevent it, we can give them tools for handling it.

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A baby girl closing eyes using hand

How to Help Our Kids Get Unstuck

by ParentCo.

Arming ourselves with alternative perspectives on the uncomfortable, frustrating, or disappointing situations that arise can turn outcomes around.

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television with illusion images

The Science of Childhood Lying in an Age of Post-Truth

by ParentCo.

Children experiment with the truth through all developmental stages. Here's what it all means.

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A Mother working in kitchen holding her baby

8 Highly Effective Hacks for the Distracted Mom

by ParentCo.

There's a lot to keep track of in the throes of parenting- meetings, sports gear, birthday parties, and stuffed animals. These shortcuts can help save some sanity.

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A baby girl lying in a bed

How to Strengthen Your Child's Emotional Intelligence

by ParentCo.

Kids feel a lot of feelings all the time, but haven't yet mastered the art of self-regulation. Research shows emotion coaching parents can help.

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A Milk pump with a bottle

Pumping at Work: Rights, Tips, and Tricks

by ParentCo.

Balancing a career and a breastfeeding relationship can be a juggling act. These tips, learned from experience, can help.

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A kid in the forest

Confessions of a Reluctant Unschooling Mom

by Daisy Susman

Discovering the best ways to educate our children often leads us down paths we never could have envisioned ourselves traveling

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To the Woman Who Shamed Me For Not Breastfeeding My Baby

by ParentCo.

Breast or bottle, what we choose, and why we choose it, is nobody's business.

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A girl whose hair is flying

The Power of Checking In With Your True Feelings

by ParentCo.

The urge to react when confronted with your own feelings is strong. Resist that habit through the practice of regularly checking in with yourself.

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Drawing of couple wearing designed dress

How to Keep Your Marriage from Failing – Unless It Should

by Jill Kiedaisch

These six values, gleaned from the author's parents who were married for more than 50 years, can help couples beat some pretty unfavorable odds.

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Early man taming a wild saber tooth tiger

9 Reasons My Kids Think I Grew Up In Prehistoric Times

by ParentCo.

I recently ran through the list of all of the things that didn't exist while I was growing up. And as far as my son is concerned, he can't believe I made it.

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mother and daughter photoshoot

The Remarkable Strength Within Every Mother to Overcome

by Stephen Bradshaw

My wife recently told me a story about my own mom that, strangely, I had never heard before. Despite not having heard it before, it had a deep impact on me.

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Women with New born in her arms

How My Baby Healed Me

by ParentCo.

What I never expected was how becoming a mom would heal me, repair my soul, and make me stronger than ever before.

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Parents having dinner with child

Date Night is Overrated, Here's How to Get Out of It

by ParentCo.

Leaving the house is overrated, and there's plenty of great television you haven't seen yet. So take a pass on date night.

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Smiling child picture with blue background

How to Cultivate a Growth Mindset with Your Children

by ParentCo.

People with a growth mindset believe their abilities can grow and be cultivated through hard work. Here's how to encourage that perspective in your kids.

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happy child enjoying his ride on bicycle

What to Do When a Narcissistic Maniac is Ruling Your World

by ParentCo.

If you’re as freaked out by the way your toddler is publicly raging like a total narcissistic maniac, here are five things to do that might help.

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abstract painting of wine bottles

Why Teen Alcohol Use Spikes in December, and What You Can Do About It

by Kimberly Yavorski

Part of parenting teenagers is teaching them how to make wise decisions when it comes to alcohol. These facts and figures can help lead the discussions.

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Painting of women holding painting brush in her hand

How Yoga Helped Me Remodel My Daughter’s Bedroom

by ParentCo.

I have yoga to thank for a peaceful bedroom remodel that could have easily ended in tears for both myself and its teenage inhabitant.

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Women working on laptop with toddler on her lap

4 Things a Working Mom Turned Stay-at-Home Mom Wants You to Know

by ParentCo.

Whether working or staying home, the day to day of parenting is never easy. But we're all doing the best we know how.

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Child holding the basket ball on his head

What It's Like to Be the New Kid on the Team

by ParentCo.

Growing up should be a time of trying new things, with room for everyone. How do we encourage bravery in trying and grace in supporting the triers?

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drawing of a man with hands in the air

Parenting and Work: The Ultimate Balancing Act

by ParentCo.

Becoming a parents often requires a corresponding change in work-life balance. Allowing yourself to make that change is the first important step.

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Happy Excited Toddler With Santa Hat Christmas

’Tis the Season of Inflatable Reindeer and Serenading Baby Jesus

by ParentCo.

We can steer holiday tradition all we want, but sometimes the things our kids glom onto most fiercely are the ones we never intended.

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Smart Video Game Choices For Your Holiday Shopping List

by ParentCo.

There's no need to feel anxious or confused when it comes to making the right video game purchase for the kids in your life.

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