A child not willing to eat baby food

Soul Crushing Kid-Favorite Foods From the Dark Side

by ParentCo.

I don't want to hate on them because they really do save my life most days. But have you ever tried to clean up three hundred grains of cooked rice?

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water surfing

What It Means to Say Yes to Adventure, and Motherhood

by ParentCo.

My biggest fear in becoming a mother was that I'd lose my identity and sense of adventure. So I'm saying yes to the things that make me feel like me.

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A child playing with christmas lights

Last Minute Christmas Magic Tips From One Hot Mess to Another

by Zaeli Kane

The key to a truly memorable Christmas isn’t being a Super Parent. There are simple ways to infuse the season with magical sights, sounds, and traditions.

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5 Ways to Help Her Hide That Pregnancy From Her Drunk Friends

by Jared Bilski

Your formerly boozy train wreck of a significant other is pregnant. So how's she going to keep it from her girlfriends for awhile? With your help.

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A child throwing trash in a dustbin at the street

What I Learned That Time My Son Watched Me Not Pick Up Trash

by ParentCo.

As a parent, it's totally possible to screw up, panic, and try again. With absolutely no lasting damage.

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A child sitting on a shopping cart moving fast

The Challenges of “Popping” to the Shop With a Toddler

by ParentCo.

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Old couples party photos

An Imperfect Love: Reflections on 49 Years of Marriage

by ParentCo.

Learning from the legacy of my parent's marriage, and growing because of it, I can both honor and further fortify their love- and perhaps make one of my own.

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Hand Gloves

Please Stop Telling Me the Dishes Can Wait

by Katherine Clover

No, I'm not losing sleep over a single knife in the sink. I'm up to my eyeballs in obligations and the dishes have been piled for days.

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A child standing on the sea shore and watching waves

How to Discuss Climate Change With Your Kids

by ParentCo.

The realities of climate change can be overwhelming for kids. But there are ways to educate our kids without stressing them out.

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A lady opening a door

Why I Clean My Teens' Rooms (And You Should Consider It, Too!)

by ParentCo.

At a time when their brains and bodies are in overdrive, I don't mind taking on the small job of keeping my teen's room clean.

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A kid playing with mother in a field

Holding On Until I Feel Whole Again

by ParentCo.

When postpartum depression and anxiety bring you to your knees, how do you decide if you want to have another child, or if it's time to let go of a dream?

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Houses and clouds

Parenting in a More Accepting Era

by ParentCo.

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Todlers standing in a line , Debate Club Poster

Debate Club: Do Kids Need to Attend Preschool?

by ParentCo.

Education is a big deal. But how early should we focus on it? Two Parent Co. writers offer differing opinions on the importance of preschool.

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A father and his child playing golf and watching  the sky

What Caddying For My Son Taught Me About Being a Mother

by ParentCo.

As parents, we offer our kids countless unsolicited opinions and advice. But when the parent is also the golf caddy, restraint is the key to success.

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Two children lying down with christman bulbs

How A Single Mom Creates Christmas Magic On A Limited Budget

by ParentCo.

Making Christmas special for your kids doesn't have to cost an arm and leg. This mom of six shares her tips and tricks for making it all work.

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A person with long curly hair

7 "Weird Al" Yankovic Songs That Are Secretly About Parenting

by ParentCo.

Turns out, over the years,"Weird Al" has written a song about almost every parental hardship imaginable.

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A monkey toy playing Cymbal

How to Drive Parents Insane: A Toy Manufacturer's Viewpoint

by ParentCo.

Clearly toy companies are lead by evil geniuses who conspire to drive parents to the brink of madness while emptying their wallets completely.

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Two children playing in snow

12 Gifts That Will Help Your Family Stay Crap and Craft-Free

by Jill Kiedaisch

The best holiday memories often have little to do with the actual presents. The excitement is in the build-up- full of togetherness, fun, and tradition.

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A baby watching its mother from the arms

Your Upbringing Can Hurt Your Children More Than You Know

by ParentCo.

We can choose to parent from a place of what we learned by example or what we learned by example not to do.

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Two child friends holding each other

Our Kids Need to Know That Love Is Stronger Than Hate

by ParentCo.

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A person using tab in bed in a dark room

How to Raise Respectful Digital Citizens

by ParentCo.

The best way to help our children navigate social media and technology is through explicit instruction of our expectations for their behavior in this realm.

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A child sitting, father holding from back

7 Science-Backed Ways to Be a Better, Happier Parent

by ParentCo.

These simple skills can be adapted into daily life and make it easier to raise happier, healthier, and more cooperative kids.

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Sticky Notes

Good Enough: Suggestions for Balancing Your Precious Time

by Rebecca Lang

Time, like money, is a precious and finite commodity. And since there's no way to give everything full attention all the time, stop being so hard on yourself.

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Sketch of Man balancing on a string held by two hands

A Letter to My Parents From Your College-Bound Teenager

by ParentCo.

Eloquent words from the front lines of college application and high school pressures.

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