A girl is sitting on open land in a sunset time by holding sun on one hand

Why The "Gifted" Label Gets a Bad Rap and Why That's Important for Your Child

by ParentCo.

Many people associate the term “special needs” with kids who have developmental or learning challenges, however, "gifted" presents a special need as well.

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kids running in a park

5 Things You Should Stop Expecting From Your Kids

by Sanya Pelini

We all expect certain things from our children, but sometimes the things we expect do more harm than good.

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A guy is feeling depressed by holding his hand on forehead

Living With The Fear of Another Double Loss

by ParentCo.

I got worried when we found out Laurie was pregnant. When we found out it was twins? It sent me into a constant state of paranoia.

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A mother is lifting his son on her legs while daugther watching

Just Make up Traditions and They'll Become a Thing

by ParentCo.

You want fun family rituals? State them in an Official Announcement voice, and they'll become gospel.

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Boy is playing with fidget Spinner

Fidget Spinners: Helpful Tool or One More Way to Annoy Adults?

by ParentCo.

Fidget spinners claim to help with a number of health issues like autism, ADHD, and anxiety. But is there any proof that they actually work?

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Father is helping to his daughter for doing homework

Which Ten Executive Function Interventions Should Parents Try at Home?

by ParentCo.

Kids who appear to be underperforming in school but who don't have a discrete, diagnosed learning disability could use these interventions.

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Father and kid is playing in a snow fall

10 Awesome Books from the 80s That Every Kid Should Read

by ParentCo.

The 80s bring back a rush of memories: big hair, glam rock, and some of the best books I’ve ever read.

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Girl is feeling happy by showing both hands up towards sky

Keep Talking to Yourself, It Means You’re Smarter

by ParentCo.

Talking aloud helps us work through our day, our problems, our inner psyche. I am more evolved than I thought.

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A father showing image in a drawing book to his baby

Reading to Your Infant May Have Lasting Effects

by Allison Maselli

New research suggests that reading to your infant can greatly boost your children's vocabulary and literacy years into their future.

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Bees, Sun ,Sandals

Kiddie Pool Digest: The Buzz About Bees

by ParentCo.

Come back each week for a new fun theme and interesting activities, facts, and bits from around the web for curious kids of all ages!

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No Frigging Way, Crap Is a Bad Word?

No Frigging Way, Crap Is a Bad Word?

by ParentCo.

Are these words with euphemistic origins actually less offensive? Is the impact any different? And where do we draw the line?

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All the Friends I Hadn't Met Yet

by ParentCo.

When my daughter was asleep, I googled words like ‘moving’, ‘friends’, and ‘loneliness’, and I discovered that my situation was hardly unique.

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A girl is eating icecream

Dear Daughter: We’re Sorry. And You’re Welcome.

by ParentCo.

Two things we, a 48-year-old father and 44-year-old mother, would like to say to our five-year-old daughter, with regard to our being older parents.

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A girl is watching mobile

7 Reasons Parents Should Care About Kids and Online Privacy

by ParentCo.

If you don't want to have the bejesus scared out of you, don't talk to an expert on kids' online privacy.

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A mother and a kid is cleaning glass with a mirror image reflection

A Clean House Helps Me the Best Mom I Can Be

by ParentCo.

I keep a relatively clean house because it settles my Type A brain so that I can be present in the place that matters most to me.

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A girl is watching something with side faced

10 Things Every Teen Should Know Before Leaving Home

by ParentCo.

A strong knowledge of the things that matter most, like who we are and what we stand for, can help make our children impermeable.

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couple laughing and embracing

My Husband's a Grown Up - He Doesn't Always Need to Come First

by ParentCo.

Don’t get me wrong. Keeping my marriage healthy is a priority for me. I just don’t believe one person in the family is more important than all the others.

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Strawberry icecream made by kid

Kid Made Recipe: Strawberry Cornbread Shortcake

by ParentCo.

We love this twist on strawberry shortcake, replacing the biscuits with sweet and buttery corn muffins!

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A kid is crying while playing

5 Reasons Your Toddler is Freaking Out, According to Science

by ParentCo.

Tantrums are a normal part of development and, in a way, they’re actually good for our kids. Here are some of the reasons toddlers blow up.

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young girl peeking over her book

4 Supportive Things Teens Appreciate From Their Parents

by ParentCo.

Here are four things our teens really wish we would do, to help them learn how to navigate risk.

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breastfeeding silhouette and feeding bottle

What a FitBit Would Track if Moms Designed It

by ParentCo.

Forget eats and steps and hours slept. Here’s what I’d be charting to give myself the “go team” butt slap I truly deserve.

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little boy looking at camera, smiling while painting picture sitting at table in art class

There's More Than One Reason to Red Shirt

by ParentCo.

Certain demands are placed upon our school-aged children. Sometimes giving your kid an extra year to mature is the best approach.

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little girl playing with gymnastic ribbons in a clearing in nature

The One Question We Can Ask to Shape Girls Body Image

by ParentCo.

Girls who set goals that focus on how their bodies function instead of how their bodies look may be more likely to appreciate their bodies.

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happy family sitting on flower field in park on a sunny day

5 Things Strong Families Have in Common

by Sanya Pelini

Several studies have found that strong families share similar characteristics.

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