Fire Alram

Five Workplace Strategies That Totally Work on Your Kids

by ParentCo.

Having spent years dealing with angry customers and clients, I've seen how some of the same tactics that put out fires in the workplace can help me at home.

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Crying Baby

I'm Going to Need You to Stop Screaming Now Please

by ParentCo.

Hi Baby! It's your Papa. How you doing? Not good? Yeah, I can tell. As for me, I’m… well, I’m frustrated. I have a simple request for you: Stop screaming.

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Phone hanging

Yes, You Can Grieve the Living

by Jacque Gorelick

Over the years my mother and I have fallen apart and come back together plenty, but this time was different. I could feel it.

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Why the Grandparents Can Exercise Their Spoiling-Rights This Christmas

by ParentCo.

Grandparents love to spoil. It is as part of the job description – especially around the holidays.

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Family journey with a kid sitting on top of shoulder

Can an Introvert Change Her Stripes?

by ParentCo.

The question of whether introverts can really become extroverts is up for debate. Famous psychologists have argued that personality is immutable.

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Parenthood happiness

Growing into Parenthood

by Kelly Riibe

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A lady is watching mirror inside metro train

All Grown Up

by ParentCo.

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A girl is holding books by covering her face

The Problem with Teens No Longer Working Part-Time Jobs

by Sandi Schwartz

The reluctance of teens holding part-time or summer jobs is now a national trend that has caused a fair amount of concern from experts in the marketplace.

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Cartoon zebra painting

7 Books to Help Kids Understand Life with Autism

by ParentCo.

It's estimated that one in every 68 children in the United States has experience with some form of autism. These books can help them relate.

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Sugar cubes placed on floor

This Is What Happened When My Teenage Son Gave up Sugar

by Katie Bingham-Smith

After doing some research a few months ago, my teenage son decided to give up sugar. We're both noticing a big difference.

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Two kids sitting back wards while one kid is seeing angrily

Why I'm Teaching My Kids That "I'm Sorry" Is Not Enough

by ParentCo.

I now put it upon them to demonstrate, through actions rather than words, that they are regretful.

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A girl holding thread covering her face with cloud

When Raising Kids Collides With the U-Curve

by ParentCo.

Knowing about the U-curve can help us let go of the shame and guilt we have for experiencing this dive in contentedness.

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family's feet showing under covers

Take Back the Night: a Sleep Training Guide for Parents Who Failed the First Time Around

by ParentCo.

It’s moving day around here, and these kids are moving out of my bed come hell or high water. Here is how I plan to take back the night.

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Childre playing with a ballon

6 Unexpected Skills I Gained Because of Motherhood

by ParentCo.

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Baby sleeping on floor

What Are You Scared Of?

by ParentCo.

I want to give her the information she needs. Even if it is painful. Even if it is scary.

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rear view of a stressed lady

The Difficulty in Facing What's Right in Front of Us

by ParentCo.

It is true that some parents refuse to see what is right in front of them. They gloss over the signs, they deny the truth.

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A Person writing something in a book and a laptop opened


by ParentCo.

When we think of growth, we often think of the most difficult challenge we have recently overcome. Sometimes, the challenge comes from the family (children, spouse, parents) sometimes the challenge comes from work and sometimes it comes from our inner conflicts. For me, the challenge is my own mindset.

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Father seeing letters while his kid is watching tab

Money: There's No Magic Number When Kids Enter the Picture

by ParentCo.

Before my children came along, money wasn't a major source of stress. But things are different now.

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Parenthood with new born baby

Could Eye Contact With Your Baby Increase Communication Later On?

by ParentCo.

According to a new study gazing into our infant’s eyes can have a powerful effect on synchronizing our brain activity with theirs.

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Girl listening to music lying on sofa

I Want My Children to Be Selfish

by ParentCo.

I believe in order for children to become truly unselfish and empathize with healthy boundaries, they have to do the work of tending to their own needs.

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kid holding a paper plane

Love by Numbers

by ParentCo.

As I stand there looking down at four plus years of my hard work scattered among Lego pieces, stuffed animals and dirty underwear, I feel surprisingly calm.

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50 Questions to Get Your Kid Thinking Like a Scientist

by Julieann Selden

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A guy holding a fidget spinner

Trouble in Toyland? You Can Relax About These Holiday Toy Warnings

by ParentCo.

If previous years are any indication, CALPIRG's report will be the next big scary story on your local news broadcast. Here's why it's going to be ok.

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A kid is feeding to a cat

Watching My Toddler Grow Is Joyful and Painful

by ParentCo.

He’ll be three in a few months, and it seems like every day he’s older than the day before. That’s how growing works, obviously, but it’s more than that.

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