Have Some Fun With our Lives as Parents- 20 Jokes for You!

by ParentCo.

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This is Your Brain – This is Your Brain on Social Media

by ParentCo.

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Your High School Pitcher's Pitch Count is Essential for Their Safety

by ParentCo.

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How One Year in a Muslim Country Helped Me Quit Drinking and Become a Better Parent

by ParentCo.

Sometimes it takes moving to the other side of the world to realize we're not at home within ourselves.

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The Things My 5-Year-Old Packed When He Ran Away

by ParentCo.

Life can be rough when you're five. Sometimes you've just got to pack up the things that mean the most and hit the dusty trail.

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Dear Husband: I'm Not the Person You Married

by ParentCo.

After kids, it becomes more and more difficult to be the partner we've been before. One mom makes the case why in a letter to her love.

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The Ice Cream Truck Just Isn't What It Used to Be

by ParentCo.

A grandmother's attempts at passing on the excitement and satisfaction of a treat from the Ice Cream truck proves more hard won than she remembered.

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Great advice for parents of toddlers who tend to be scared of everything.

by ParentCo.

Because biologically, 2-year-olds need to be scared. Their lives depend on it...

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11 Science Backed Ways to Maximize Your Happiness

by ParentCo.

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Commenting on a child's weight can have negative effects

by ParentCo.

Comments have an effect at any age, especially for girls.

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Ferris Bueller's Day Off and That Red Wings Jersey-But Why?

by ParentCo.

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Are Your Summer Camp Choices Gender-Biased?

by ParentCo.

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Squeaky Clean: How I Got My Toddler to Brush Her Teeth

by ParentCo.

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Stop Punching Me There, and 9 Other Requests on Father's Day

by Brian Rosenworcel

Kids, I'm not asking for much. I just have a few simple requests this Father's Day.

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In Many Countries, Obesity and Malnutrition Exist Side by Side.

by ParentCo.

In Many Countries, Obesity and Malnutrition Exist Side by Side.

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How to Ease the Pain of Your Baby's Excess Flatulence

by ParentCo.

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An Out-of-This-World Convention Teleports to the Desert

by ParentCo.

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Swift Playground by Apple Teaches Kids to Code

by ParentCo.

Your family iPad can get your kid started.

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young girl at aquarium

10 Insights of Remarkable Parents from a Family Therapist

by Angela Pruess

Ten key insights from a family therapist outline what parents can do to best support the healthy social and emotional development of their children.

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6 New Zealand-Inspired Activities That Will Make Kids Crush Summer

by ParentCo.

Been there, pinned that. Get past the same boring summer suggestions and crush this vacation with some new ideas from our Kiwi friends.

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Why Yelling is Not the Tool of An Effective Parent

by ParentCo.

Some families are naturally loud. If yours is one of them, there's good reason to take a quieter approach with your kids.

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In Pregnancy and in Life, It's All Temporary

by Julia Pelly

The intense states that come and go in the weeks of a pregnancy are, in many ways, a prelude of what's to come.

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Court Decrees Internet Fundamental and a Utility

by ParentCo.

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NO TV for 30 Days! What Happened?

by ParentCo.

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