Video: HPV Vaccine Chosen More Often by Parents When it's Optional

by Pam Moore

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Patent Granted to Tesla for Early Drone The Year 1898

by ParentCo.

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6 Things You Can Do Today to Make Yourself a Priority

by ParentCo.

There are times motherhood feels like an all-consuming job where breaks just aren't an option. But the truth is, you're not going to survive without some.

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3 Surefire Signs That You're Raising a Right-Brained Kid

by Angela Pruess

They leave creative messes in their wake and challenge left brained logic at every opportunity. But these outside-the-box right brains can teach us so much.

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Here's How to Talk to Your Teens About Sex

by Kimberly Yavorski

It's a talk we need to have in various ways, shapes and forms from early on. If you haven't yet talked to your teen about sex, these tips can help.

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Your Kids Need You, Even If They Pretend They Don't

by ParentCo.

Being the parent who your kids and their friends can count on is one of the best positions you can find yourself in.

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Anxiety & Depression in Boys Linked to Prenatal BPA Exposure

by ParentCo.

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Pregnant Women in Florida Covering Up and Staying Inside

by ParentCo.

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Understanding When Injuries Occur Is The Future Of Youth Football

by ParentCo.

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The Life-Saving Power of Lifeguard Parenting

by ParentCo.

Being a lifeguard parent means standing by, encouraging our kids, and only jumping in when they're over their heads.

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Yes, I Play Bridge. Let Me Tell You Why

by ParentCo.

It may be the game your grandmother plays, but there's something powerful that happens when women make a weekly connection over a deck of cards.

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Why You Should Become an Education Activist

by ParentCo.

Making sure our kids' schools fit their needs is the responsibility of every parent. Speak up. Advocate. Make change.

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Can A Mother Be Undeserving of Her Child's Love?

by ParentCo.

On the difficult days, it can be hard to feel like we're worthy of the pure, heartbreakingly beautiful love our children bestow upon us so freely.

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20 Common Product Warnings That Should Be Applied to Children

by ParentCo.

There are signs and warnings about everything. It's about time kids came with their own set of disclaimers.

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When Saying "Yes" is Like a Super Power

by ParentCo.

Running a lemonade stand wasn't my idea of a fun way to spend the afternoon. But in the end it may have taught us both a few important lessons.

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Empty Nest 1.0: That Feeling When All of Your Kids Are in School - and You're at Home

by ParentCo.

A stay-at-home dad prepares for empty nest syndrome as his daughters all head to the same school with the same schedule, for the first time.

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5 Ways to Make Kindness a Family Activity

by ParentCo.

Recent science surrounding kindness is so fascinating that we can’t ignore it.

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14 Things Every Enviable Couple Does

by Stephen Bradshaw

Relationships aren't easy. But there are a few things you can do to ensure a better shot at being in it for the long haul.

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10 Ways My Mother Got It Right

by ParentCo.

No parent is perfect, including my mother. But there are plenty of ways I hope to be just like her.

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When Being a Foster Parent is the Most Heartbreaking Love

by ParentCo.

One mother's story of opening her home and heart to a foster child.

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Breastfeeding is an Olympic Sport and My Toddler is Winning

by ParentCo.

These tiny nursing Olympians. Always going to extremes in the name of perfecting their sport.

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Your Aging Parents Just Want to Be Heard

by ParentCo.

As we grow old and our world becomes smaller, the most precious gift we can be given is the attentive ear of the ones we love.

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An Honest Look at the Huge Commitment of Youth Sports

by ParentCo.

Youth sports can be a huge commitment of time, energy, and finances. While there are many benefits, participation may not be for every kid or family.

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Is it Okay to Salt Your Child's Food?

by ParentCo.

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