Think Outside the Bun: 3 New Ways to Love Hot Dogs

by ParentCo.

Think outside the bun and cook up these three new hot dog recipes for your kids or your next cookout.

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Odd Jobs: My Life as a Carnival Worker and Mother of Three

by ParentCo.

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Why Kids Need to Journal and How Technology Can Help

by Michelle Cox

Journaling can help kids find their voice and in turn, solve problems, discover confidence and develop new and different opinions.

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How to Help When Your Kid Has Sleep Terrors

by Jessica Graham

Night terrors are scary for kids and parents alike. Here are a few tips on how to handle these middle of the night upsets.

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Now That Your Kids Are in School, Who Are You?

by ParentCo.

A podcast about that transitional period for stay-at-home parents when their youngest begins school. Nothing and everything changes on the first day.

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You'll Eat What I Serve and Like It

by Laura Richards

It's difficult to make hard and fast rules as a parent. But drawing lines in the sand around meal time can be beneficial to everyone.

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Educate Your Kids on the Right Way to Approach a Dog

by ParentCo.

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Who Loves the First Day of School...THIS KID!

by ParentCo.

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Dogs Actually do Understand Your Speech and Intonation

by ParentCo.

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5 Things Middle School Teachers Want You to Know Before School Starts

by ParentCo.

Middle school is a big transition for kids. Being prepared can quell anxiety and set them up for success.

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12 Easy Steps to Creating a Chaotic and Messy House

by ParentCo.

The classic case of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." They'll move out eventually and you can finally clean up then.

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How to Plan and Negotiate Your Maternity Leave Like a Boss

by Rebecca Lang

It's not easy to approach your company (or a company you hope to work for) with the needs of pregnancy. These tips can help.

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There Is Beauty in a Disgustingly Messy Minivan

by ParentCo.

When it feels like you spend more time in the car shuttling kids all over than you do in your actual home, things can get a little messy.

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Why Every Boy Should Have a Doll

by Julia Pelly

One mother's quest to provide her son with more options later in life by making sure he plays with dolls now.

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Sugar in Breast Milk Could Protect Babies From Infection

by ParentCo.

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Why are Parents so Afraid to Leave Kids Alone?

by ParentCo.

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iPAD Use Pre-Surgery Can Help Calm Anxiety in Kids

by ParentCo.

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Doesn't Stretch & Not Comfortable, Not For Me-Back to School

by ParentCo.

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The Lullaby That Could Ruin Your Kids

by Rebecca Lang

The original lyrics to You Are My Sunshine are a big old pile of baggage to lay at a kid's feet. How about these instead?

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"The Parents' Ten": All You Need to Predict Parenting Success

by ParentCo.

“The Parents’ Ten” details the competencies that psychologists found to predict good parenting outcomes in order from most to least important.

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What Happens When Moms Bully Each Other Online?

by ParentCo.

We'd like to expect more from a group of peers, but when it's possible to hide behind a computer, things can get ugly.

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Stop Googling and Call Your Mother

by ParentCo.

In the age of information we are relying less on the most vital source we have as moms – our own mothers.

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Makeup Helps Me Feel Like More Than Just a Mom

by ParentCo.

I learned how to contour from some of the best in the business. Drag Queens. I'm the most made up mom at the bus stop, and that's fine by me.

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Emotional Flexibility for Teen Girls and Their Mothers A True Benefit

by ParentCo.

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