How to Help Your Kid Through Bouts of Impostor Syndrome

by ParentCo.

It's not just adults who worry they're in over their heads. Kids can struggle with feeling like impostors, too.

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Sometimes I Feel Guilty For Having a House Cleaner

by ParentCo.

What am I teaching or not teaching my kids by outsourcing the house cleaning?

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Yes, I Have Twins, But It's All Hard. As a Mama, You Just Do It

by ParentCo.

Sure, having two babies at once is hard, but you know what? We're all doing the best with the hand that we've been dealt.

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Kid Made Recipe: Oven Baked Apples

by ParentCo.

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How to Travel With Kids: Forget Your Plans, Just Be Together

by ParentCo.

Sometimes the best plan is simply to enjoy one another's company, away from the everyday obligations and chores. Itineraries are overrated.

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Follow Your Instincts and Leave the Books on the Shelf

by ParentCo.

When it comes to parenting, you can't find all the answers in books, online, or in the hearts of others. It's better to follow your instinct and do what works.

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dad with kids taking a selfie

12 Ways to Ensure Your Kid is More Important Than Your Phone

by ParentCo.

Parents don’t need more guilt. We know we need to put our phones away. But that's often easier said than done. Here are simple tips to make it work.

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Smallest Baby Ever Recorded Growing Healthy Say Doctors

by ParentCo.

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When Breastfeeding Failed, I Wanted Something to Blame

by ParentCo.

All things pregnancy, birth, and mothering related rarely turn out as planned. Connecting the dots to figure out why is an exercise in futility.

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6 Dumb Mistakes We All Make Before Becoming Parents

by ParentCo.

Looking back, there are things that never even occurred to me before I had a baby of my own.

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How Helping to Raise My Younger Brother Prepared Me to Be a Mom

by ParentCo.

Caring for a much younger sibling can be some of the best on-the-job parenting experience one can get.

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Laila Ali on Identity and Wellness

by ParentCo.

Laila Ali is a mother, cook, entrepreneur, and world-class athlete. We wanted to know about her experience parenting in the limelight.

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More Questions to Ask Your Kids Instead of "How Was Your Day"

by ParentCo.

An ever growing list of questions to inspire lively family dinners, enjoyable car rides, and engaging conversation with kids and parents of all ages.

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The Tricky Business of Teaching Your Daughter to Value Herself

by ParentCo.

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Our Own Mortality-How Some Feelings in Children Never Change

by ParentCo.

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potty training

How to Potty Train And/Or Lose Your Mind in 3 Days

by ParentCo.

In just 13 easy steps, you too, could be scraping poop out of a pair of Thomas the Tank Engine underwear in the Target bathroom. Potty training is easy!

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This is Why I Hate Going to the Beach With My Kids

by ParentCo.

Remember when the beach was tranquil and relaxing? Yeah. No more. Not at all. Not even a little bit.

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5 Science-Backed Ways to Improve Your Sleep Cycle (and Decrease Depression)

by ParentCo.

Unhealthy sleep cycles can aggravate depression and anxiety symptoms. These tips can get the whole family in a good nighttime rhythm.

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I Didn't Hurt My Son: The Humiliation of Defending Myself to the Social Worker

by Kathleen Gemmell

Kids hurt themselves all the time. But nothing prepares you for being accused of causing an injury.

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My Kids Are Growing Up and I Feel Fine

by ParentCo.

Maybe I'll look back and think differently, but today I'm thankful time is moving forward.

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How to Get Your Kids Into a Habit of Community Service

by ParentCo.

The more kids learn about the hardships of others in the world around them, the more they want to help make it better. And they absolutely can.

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Practice, Fail, and Be a Good Sport: What Kids Learn on the Field

by Jessica Graham

When kids participate in youth sports, there are lessons to be learned by athlete and parent alike.

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Even If You Don't Own Guns, Talk With Your Kids About Them

by ParentCo.

Every parent needs to talk with their kids about gun safety - even if they don't own any. Parents need to talk about it too.

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The Last Generation Without Internet. What We Can Do

by ParentCo.

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