6 Ways American Policies Fail to Support Families

by ParentCo.

Taking time to do anything other than hold a full-time, paying job levies a heavy price for American women. And the proof is in our workplace policies.

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43 Easy Ways to Start Taking Better Care of Yourself Today

by ParentCo.

Caring for ourselves has to be realistic if we're actually going to do it. Here are 43 simple suggestions to get you started.

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In Gratitude for Anna Dewdney and Mama Llama

by ParentCo.

Of the books that teach our kids about the world, the lesson in Llama that Mom and Dad always come back is the sweetest.

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Don't Poke the Mama Bear (That's Me, I'm the Mama Bear)

by Rebecca Lang

Mess with me and my cubs at your own risk.

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Debate Club: Is Academic Redshirting Helpful or Harmful

by ParentCo.

Academic redshirting is the practice of holding back an of-age child in favor of a real or perceived advantage in school. But is it a good choice?

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When It's Time to Tell Your Pacifist Toddler About Aggression

by ParentCo.

It's difficult to explain that not everyone is always nice or keeps their hands to themselves. But unfortunately, there's no shielding them from it forever.

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From Guilt to Addiction: The Eight Stages of Getting a Pedicure

by ParentCo.

A trip to the nail salon is an hour of bliss. Eventually.

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How to Deal With Morning Sickness on the Job

by ParentCo.

Work is hard. Morning sickness is hard. Combine them and you've got a whole new brand of awful. These tips can help you ride it out gracefully.

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8 Ways Being an Introvert Has Helped Me Raise Thoughtful Kids

by ParentCo.

Introverted parents sometimes have extroverted kids. But that doesn't mean a parent's tendency toward quiet time can't have benefits.

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Why You Absolutely Need to Take Care of You

by ParentCo.

No matter what, caring for ourselves is a matter of urgent importance. It's the difference between living and surviving.

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Wise Words About Marriage and Kids From Your 40-Something Friend

by Jill Kiedaisch

As far as marriage is concerned, she's a babe in the nuptial wood and I am a tween. Born long after "Thriller," she can use my words of wisdom.

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To My Child: Reflections on Your No Good, Awful Day

by ParentCo.

Some days pile one disappointment on top of another. But there's always a silver lining if you wait long enough.

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The Magic of the One-Day Grounding: Better for Kids, Better for You

by ParentCo.

Extended punishments often punish the entire family and lose effectiveness over time. Here's another method that disciplines with empowerment.

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11 Reasons to Avoid Back-Lying in Childbirth

by ParentCo.

It may be the most commonly thought of position for childbirth, but back-lying is far from the most ideal.

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5 Strategies to Help Your Preschooler Handle Separation Anxiety

by ParentCo.

Most kids will experience varying levels of separation anxiety at some point in their life. Here are a few strategies for helping your preschooler navigate.

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A Childhood Shared: What's the Impact of Growing Up on Facebook?

by Kimberly Yavorski

The things we write about our kids on Facebook will still be there when they're old enough to come looking. What do we want them to find?

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Here's What Happened When My 4-Year-Old Started Co-Sleeping

by ParentCo.

Sleeping arrangements change along with everything else as your children grow older. So for now, I'm a co-sleeping mom who just wants to get some sleep.

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middle eastern mother and daughter

How to Break the Cycle and Raise a Self-Assured Daughter

by ParentCo.

What’s more important than preparing your daughter to be a good digital citizen is preparing your daughter to be a woman in this world.

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A Sweet Tradition of Using Finger Rhymes to Help Baby Learn

by ParentCo.

Finger rhymes are a wonderful way to spend time with your baby. Here's a list of some popular jingles and the area of child development that they address.

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6 Reasons Having Breakfast With My Teenagers Is the Highlight of My Day

by ParentCo.

Sure, they're hectic, moody, and occasionally dramatic, but mornings with my teenage daughters before they shuffle off to school are the best.

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Yes, My Love – I’m Your Mommy: A Birth Story

by ParentCo.

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What If...? A Recovering Alcoholic Mother’s Lifelong Trial

by Kathleen Gemmell

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 indian mother having fun with her daughter outdoor

5 Reasons Why Your Kids Need You to Say "Yes" More Often

by Pam Moore

By slightly changing the way we communicate with our children, we can create opportunities for dialogue, learning, and self reflection.

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Swearing is the New Asana: Why Parents Need Rage Yoga

by ParentCo.

For people who can't stand the pace and quietude of a traditional yoga class, Rage Yoga offers a faster, louder, angrier alternative.

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