You Don't Know Why I'm Bottle-Feeding My Baby

by ParentCo.

Breast is best. We know that. With all the campaigns, advertisements, and leaflets, it’s difficult not to know the benefits. But not every mother can.

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Learning to Parent Without You: A Letter to My Late Mom

by ParentCo.

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Two pair of legs of a man and a woman

Reluctant KonMari: What I Gained From Losing My Books

by ParentCo.

If the only purpose the dusty top shelf books serve is to make me look smart, perhaps I need to focus elsewhere.

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Women with green tea  in hand and book

5 Simple Things Moms Can Do to Care for Themselves

by ParentCo.

You're already flush with things to do. But these non-negotiables will make everything better. Promise.

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Food in a plate

Kid Made Recipe: Sweet and Spicy Baked Samosas

by ParentCo.

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Who Knew We All Should WANT to be Pond Scum...

by ParentCo.

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People waiving hand from a car

4 Reasons You Should Absolutely Get That Minivan

by Tessa Adams

Go ahead, you know you want to. We hereby give you permission to get that minivan. Yes, we know you said you’d never get one.

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XM camera

When Your Spouse Travels for Work: A Supermom Survival Kit

by ParentCo.

Taking on the role of solo parent while your spouse is out of town is not always easy, but there are a few things you can do to ease the burden.

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Baby feet

The Theory of Rela-triplety

by Jody Gerbig Todd

Yes, fine. They're three times the work, and three times the cuteness, but what else triples with triplets?

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shirtless boy

8 Research-Backed Ways Parents Can Fight Childhood Obesity

by ParentCo.

According to the CDC, we are in the midst of a childhood obesity crisis. However, there are plenty of things that parents can do to help turn it around.

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effiel tower

Rejected by My Teen in the City of Lights

by ParentCo.

As parents, we can share what we love and what we’ve learned, but our children are free to accept or decline our offerings.

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Stairs and a plant in a white room

The Struggle: Cravings Meet The Third Trimester Belly

by ParentCo.

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Drawing of frogs eating cookies

These Feet: A Letter to My Growing Child

by ParentCo.

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Pregnant lady doing yoga

8 Books For Children That Every Adult Should Read

by ParentCo.

Great children’s literature captures the wisdom of human truth in a manner so simple, even grown-ups can understand.

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eyes of a woman

Mom, Stop Trashing My Appearance – It’s Bad for the Grandkids

by ParentCo.

I don't want to make criticism and cutting comments about appearance a family tradition.

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capsules and coffee beans

Debate Club: ADHD - To Medicate or Caffeinate?

by ParentCo.

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playing ice hockey

What Happens When Our Kids Turn Out Not to Be Star Athletes?

by ParentCo.

It's important to remember the ultimate purpose of playing sports- the social and mental development.

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Women with New born child in her arms

Sometimes Motherhood is Keeping on When You Want to Run

by ParentCo.

The early days of motherhood aren't guaranteed to be awash in bliss and contentedness. But it doesn't mean you're doing it wrong.

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father and a baby sleeping on  bed

My Husband Gets Too Much Credit for Being a Good Dad

by ParentCo.

For the benefit of all of our families, it’s time we come to see involved and engaged dads as an expectation, not an exception.

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toddler crying

4 Things I've Recently Done That Reminded Me How Hard It Is to Be a Toddler

by Rebecca Lang

Once you're a (mostly) rational adult, it's easy to look at the rantings of a toddler and write them off as ridiculous. But the struggle is real.

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Big Fox and Little Girl animation

The Dark, Unsettling Irony of Lullabies

by Jill Kiedaisch

The origins of most lullabies are more likely to cause nightmares than sweetly usher little ones off to dreamland.

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4 Things You Can Do to Support Your Sensory Sensitive Child

by ParentCo.

SPD is "a condition that exists when sensory signals don't get organized into appropriate responses.” These everyday activities can help kids manage.

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blue shirt and pink skirt image illustration

How to Raise a World-Changing Leader

by ParentCo.

It's not easy raising a rebel. But when those same traits carry into adulthood, you get people who can make a big difference in the world.

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Womb of a pregnant lady

Global Competition Less Security for The Consumer- Be Aware

by ParentCo.

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