pregnant woman standing on weighing scales

Starving for Two: When Pregnancy and Eating Disorders Collide

by ParentCo.

Anorexia doesn't take a break simply because creeping numbers on the scale mean sustaining a life besides your own.

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son, father and grandfather pulling grandson's ear

7 Enduring Myths About How to Raise Children

by ParentCo.

Raising children is challenging enough, but it becomes even more difficult when parents rely on these myths.

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cartoon of man washing dishes

Sometimes the Sexiest Thing You Can Do Is Help With the Dishes

by ParentCo.

It's rarely easy to align the stars of love. But with a little planning and awareness, there may be more opportunity than you think.

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stubborn little girl

The Truth About Feminism From a Nine-Year-Old

by ParentCo.

Feminism may have suffered some setbacks in 2016, but luckily we're raising a generation of game changers.

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kid enjoying sun with grandparents

Why My Kids Won’t Hear Me Knock the Baby Boomers

by ParentCo.

Is there a way for generations to reflect and confront mistakes without making sweeping generalizations?

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doctor consulting patient lying on hospital bed talking happy

My Friend Is in the Hospital with Gallstones and I'm a Tiny Bit Jealous

by ParentCo.

It's far from a weekend spa getaway, but there's something about being laid up in the hospital with a minor illness that doesn't sound all that bad.

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Young man and confused young woman selecting footwear

How I Stopped Making My Family Late for Everything

by ParentCo.

I'd like to blame it on my kids, but the truth is, I'm the one that always made us late. Until I planned my back up outfit, that is.

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Young boy sleeping with his pacifier

Do Naps Make Kids Smarter?

by ParentCo.

Over the last several years, studies have continued to link napping with better memory and other learning skills.

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morning sunlight falling in  a mahal

Mom, What Religion Are We?

by ParentCo.

When it's a big question without an easy answer, it's hard to know if the answer you've provided is any help at all.

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Orchestra conductor hands

How to Incorporate the Music of Mozart Into Your Daily Life

by ParentCo.

Many studies suggest that playing Mozart for children can boost their concentration and general listening skills.

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Taco Cups Kid made

Kid Made Recipe: Taco Cups

by ParentCo.

Try this healthy, tasty take on tacos for dinner! Bonus: they make super party appetizers!

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animation of confused people as rocket coming towards them

You Spend a Ton of Money on Child Care, So Why Are Caregivers So Poorly Paid?

by ParentCo.

If the people we're paying to care for our children are so poorly paid, why do most families spend more on childcare than they do on food?

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sorry written on a cardboard piece with pen

I'm Sorry About All the Apologizing I Do

by ParentCo.

How often do you apologize? How often do you apologize when it isn't actually necessary?

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street lights near houses

I Heard Screams and Chose to Do Nothing. Was I Wrong?

by ParentCo.

Waking up to screams in the middle of the night, I opted to take no action. Surely someone else would if need be. Right?

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woman holding her shoulder and looking at camera on black and white background

Why I Want My Daughter To Be More Princess Leia, Less Moana

by ParentCo.

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Supporting husband talking to his  tensed pregnant wife in the hospital

“This Is Us” Shows How Easily a Loving Mother Can Screw up Her Kids

by ParentCo.

Thanks, “This Is Us,” for tapping into so many insecurities of a mother who worries I’m not doing a good enough job.

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People on the subway, all looking at mobile phones / iPads

What I Wasn't Prepared For as a Single Mom Living in Japan

by ParentCo.

I was aware of the culture shock I would endure. I was not prepared for was how moving to this new country would forever alter my relationship with my son.

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Top 10 Posts of 2016: #1 10 Insights of Remarkable Parents From a Family Therapist

by ParentCo.

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Children playing in a studio

How Movement in the Classroom Helps Kids Focus

by ParentCo.

Allowing students more movement – both in the classroom and at home – is a win-win for teachers, parents, and kids alike.

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number two in light blue color

Top 10 Posts of 2016: #2 Everything Changed the Day I Learned Minecraft Has a Sex Mod

by ParentCo.

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number three in coral color covered with blue dots

Top 10 Posts of 2016: #3 5 Phrases That Can Help Protect Your Child From Sexual Abuse

by ParentCo.

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cons of digital life

7 Ways to Overhaul Your Family's Digital Life in 2017

by ParentCo.

Here are seven ways to help you be more mindful, focus on what's most important, get the most out of media and technology, and raise good digital citizens.

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family image on black background

What a Move to the 'Burbs Taught Me About Community

by ParentCo.

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Silhouette of woman's head

What the Mothers of Standing Rock Taught Me About Protest and Prayer

by Zaeli Kane

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