To the New Mother: There Will Be Days

by ParentCo.

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The Journey to the Land of Done

by ParentCo.

There is a place called “Done” where no mom wants to go. You hate it. Mom hates it. She tried to keep you from going there, but you just kept on driving.

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women standing with guitar

How Reality TV Made Me a Better Mom

by ParentCo.

Watching other people pursue their passions reminded me that my kids should see me do the same.

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little girl holding her father's hand smiling at him

Why I Let My Daughter Tell Me What to Do

by ParentCo.

Part of our job as parents is to show our kids what it should look, sound, and feel like when someone you love treats your body, needs, and desires with respect.

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Kid Made cup ice cream

Kid Made Recipe: Fruit Striped Sundae

by ParentCo.

If your kids love ice cream, give these frozen fruit sundae treats a try. Super easy, and super delicious with just two ingredients!

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pencil drawing of a mirror image and ladder

All the Other Parents Have Got it Together, Right?

by ParentCo.

There are days, sometimes weeks, when I find it real easy to convince myself that everyone knows what they’re doing – everyone but me.

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annie get your gun movie wallpaper

14 Classic Movies That Offer a Chance to Discuss Sexism

by ParentCo.

As much as we love sharing classic movies with our kids, they tend to have plenty of old-fashioned gender roles. Be ready for discussions when viewing these.

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How to Raise Kids Who Love to Write

by ParentCo.

How can we encourage children to write, and is it possible to make writing spontaneous and fun? Fortunately, there are several ways to achieve this goal.

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girl opening champagne bottle

FOX's "The Mick" Teaches Us That Mothering Is So Easy, Even a Hungover Child-Hater Can Do It

by ParentCo.

Apparently, parenting is actually no biggie. Driving this idea home is Fox’s new series "The Mick."

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middle aged man smiling

Advice My Dad Would Give Me If He Were Here Today

by ParentCo.

What advice would he give to us now as we forge ahead into this fragile world, uncertain of what’s to come? With the utmost confidence: Love each other.

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animal musicians vector Illustration

How Music Education Helps Teach Kids Empathy

by ParentCo.

Several studies have determined that kids exposed to music, particularly in groups or in correlation with rhythmic movement, have higher levels of empathy.

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I Don't Need Resolutions. I'm Always Starting Over.

by ParentCo.

In fact, I’m doing exactly that right now, for the third time today, as I attempt to craft a piece on resolutions.

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Breadwinning Mothers Carry the Mental Load at Home

by Angela Repke

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All Your House Is a Stage: Babyproofing as Safety Theater

by ParentCo.

Babyproofing may offer more safety theater than actual safety.

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little boy sits on the ground holding his father leg

15 Benefits the Stay-at-Home Parent Has Over the Working Spouse

by ParentCo.

This list is in appreciation for the working spouse. It is not about whose role is harder as both roles have their own unique challenges and benefits.

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The Best Way to Help Your Kids With Their Homework Is to Make Them Do It Themselves

by ParentCo.

Nearly half of all parents have done homework assignments for their kids. Make no mistake, it's not helpful at all.

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children legs jumping on bed

This Mom’s Secret to Happiness? I’m Delusional.

by ParentCo.

A lot of times, we dive into negativity simply out of habit. I've made a conscious choice to think positively, even when that means deluding myself a bit.

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legs of boy and girl jumping in a garden

How to Cultivate Compassion for Your Active Kid in a Sit-Down World

by Krissy Dieruf

I don't want my kids to sit still and be quiet. I want them to be appropriately kid-like.

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12 Unique Days to Celebrate With Your Kids in 2017

by ParentCo.

Each year, there are many unique, entertaining, and family-friendly days to celebrate that you’ve likely never heard of before. Mark these on your calendar!

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women float in lake with face-up

When Life Is Water and I Wake up Drowning

by ParentCo.

This is anxiety. To give it a name I take away some of its power.

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young man jumped into the water from a height 

When the Boy on the Couch Is No Longer Your Own

by ParentCo.

When does it happen? That slide from an infant, completely dependant, to a person, complete and unleashed on the world? It's slow and unnoticeable until it's not.

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old man and his shadow in a path at moon light

Debate Club: Should Parents Find Out How Long They’re Going to Live?

by ParentCo.

In this week's Debate Club, two writers face off about how much information is too much information.

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How to Talk to Your Kids About Sex at Any Age

by ParentCo.

Let’s lay out some things research advises us to avoid when communicating with our children about their sexuality.

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siblings putting their hands up in the air

5 Things I Could Not Have Known About My First Born

by ParentCo.

What I learned about my daughter, my firstborn, was mostly in retrospect after my second arrived.

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