drawing of two people swimming

Eight Picture Books Even Adults Will Love

by ParentCo.

With or without the kiddos, curl up and prepare for a pictorial excursion. Here are eight children’s picture books even adults will love.

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Two children in a pool

The Madness of Parenting Toddlers and Teens at the Same Time

by ParentCo.

Raising siblings with large age gaps between them, while full of joys, also has its own unique set of challenges.

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women partially lying on white embroided bed

Addiction Trends in America And How They Impact Families

by ParentCo.

Parents’ greatest fear is that their kids will become addicted to drugs and alcohol. Many people in America know someone who's struggling with addiction.

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father and son  on top of a hill together enjoying the view

Storytelling: The Punk Rock of Parenting

by ParentCo.

Free, authentic, real parenting can be found in the punk rock of our time: storytelling. So get wild and tell your child a story.

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mother holding her new born baby

Paid Leave Would Make the US More Family Friendly - But It's Not The Only Way

by ParentCo.

The US is one of the only countries without a law mandating paid family leave. But is a universal basic income a more effective way to provide family leave?

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Singing to Your Baby Will Help Relieve Postnatal Depression

by Angela Repke

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Juniper, the Impossible Baby

by Brooke Wilson

The juniper plant is impossibly resilient, just like my impossible baby.

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My Son Put a Sheep’s Eye in His Lunchbox

by Janene Dutt

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Daddy’s the Best and You’re Not

by ParentCo.

Parenting can both inflate the ego and then, often seconds later, squash it like a blueberry underfoot.

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Cute curly baby girl  with big green lawn mower

10 Milestones That Aren’t on the Charts

by ParentCo.

Different accomplishments happen at different times for kids. Over the years, my children have taught me what growing up really looks like.

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boy riding a dog

How Movies Can Build Kids' Character - and the Ones That Do It Well

by ParentCo.

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girl covers her face with red sweater

Five things dysfunctional parents teach their kids (by omission)

by ParentCo.

Being raised by neglectful parents has its upsides, I guess. I had to learn these things on my own and it made me who I am.

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mother is kissing her daughter on the cheek, apple trees on the background

The Day My Kid-holding Arm Failed: A Lesson in Cradling

by ParentCo.

My left side, for about six years, has been busy holding – hearing, soothing, processing – a child.

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lemon icebox cake kid made

Kid Made Recipe: Lemon Icebox Cake

by ParentCo.

Love lemon? Even your littlest kitchen helpers can assist with this classic, lemon icebox cake.

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little girl eating snacks off the floor

You Don’t Need to Clean the Family Room Tonight – Promise!

by ParentCo.

You might not know this, but if you don’t clean up your family room tonight, guess what? Nothing will happen.

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painting of two woman's standing opposite of each other against night forest

Want More Sex in Your Marriage? Start With Forgiveness.

by ParentCo.

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woman with fingers around eyes and shouting

5 Ways Acting Like a Dad Will Make You a Rock Star Mom

by ParentCo.

At some point in our parenting journey, I stopped bitching at my husband to be more like me as a parent and started learning from him instead.

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Two boys with teddy bears around, reading a book,

8 Ways to Step Up Storytime and Make Kids Fall in Love With Books

by ParentCo.

Sharing a book is one of the easiest ways parents can teach reading habits a child will need to be a lifelong lover of the written word.

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mother and son saving money in piggy bank vector illustration

What You Need to Know About Giving Your Children Allowance

by ParentCo.

70 percent of kids get some kind of allowance nowadays. If you’re considering giving an allowance to your kids, here are some basic things to consider:

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hand painted fruits,fish,cat,crow,joker face,home

How to Teach Your Child Your Native Language in One Easy Step

by ParentCo.

With years of trial and error under my belt, I finally figured out how to get kids to start actually liking, adoring, and loving their native language.

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little girl covering her mouth with her hands

10 Ways to Raise Extraordinary Human Beings

by ParentCo.

Here are 10 things we can do to raise extraordinary human beings, who recognize their own strengths and know how to use them.

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tensed little boy pushing his lower lip with finger

How Parents Can Challenge Their Children with Stretch Goals

by ParentCo.

I love challenging my kids to do better and be better. I do it all the time. I think part of me has developed it into a little mental game, a satisfying mom challenge.

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woman travelling with a child. Mother and son watching rainbow

How to Raise an Open-Minded Child

by Stephen Bradshaw

Open-mindedness is hard, especially in this era of intense political polarization. But raising our kids to think that way benefits everyone.

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The Future Is Love and It’s in My Kitchen

by ParentCo.

It's hard to feel powerless when we stop looking at the world out there and look at the world in here: in our kitchens and in our family rooms and our beds.

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