5 Ways to Make Potty Training Easier for the Whole Family

by Charlie Fletcher June 06, 2024

boy on potty

According to the Mayo Clinic, most children will show signs of being ready for potty training between 18-24 months. While every child is different, you’ll know yours is ready to start training when their diapers stay dry for longer stretches of time, they show an interest in sitting on the potty, or they recognize what it feels like to have to go to the bathroom.

Maybe you're all set with snazzy underwear and a Summer by Ingenuity My Size Potty Pro, which looks and feels just like an adult toilet, in toddler size.

But, even if your little one is ready to start potty training, it can sometimes be a long and somewhat frustrating process for parents. Thankfully, these strategies can make things easier on yourself and your child.

Even if you’re a working parent without a lot of time at home, you can potty train successfully and your child can enjoy their independence. Let’s cover some tried and true strategies that work.

1. Establish a Routine

Babies and children thrive on routine. You probably already have one in place for things like sleeping and naps, meal times, and more. Having a solid routine already will make it easier for your child to start potty training, but even if you don’t, you can still develop one.

As you start training, commit to going to the bathroom with your child every 30-60 minutes for the first few days. As time goes on, you can have them go potty just before bed, when they first wake up, after a meal, and after playing. By including designated potty times in their day, they’ll understand the importance of going frequently so they don’t have an accident. Eventually, they’ll be able to adapt this schedule to fit their needs on their own.

2. Child-Led Learning

Speaking of letting them adapt their schedule, you might want to consider child-led potty training if your little one is already showing signs of independence.

At first, this method might be a bit more frustrating. As a parent, you’ll have to be ready for more laundry, and potentially more accidents and messes. You’ll also have to be willing to spend more time in the bathroom every time your child thinks they have to go. But, there’s plenty of evidence backing this method up, suggesting that children learn quicker this way and there are fewer accidents over time. So, consider waiting it out and making sure your child is ready, rather than trying to push them.

3. Offer Rewards

For little ones who are used to wearing diapers and going wherever and whenever they want, having to stop what they’re doing to use a potty can feel like a chore. You can make it more appealing by offering them a reward for their efforts.

You can keep things simple by offering a toy they love every time they go potty, or take things one step further with a “success chart” that rewards them with a new toy, candy, or a fun experience for something like having five dry overnights in a row. Kids tend to be especially motivated by rewards, so consider your child’s personality and what might get them the most excited to start using the potty.

4. Use Your Support System

If you’re a working parent without a lot of time to spend at home, don’t hesitate to recruit some help to potty train your toddler. If you have older children in the home, use them as a resource when you’re not there. It can give them a sense of responsibility, and you can add it to their list of regular chores . While you might not want your teen to directly be involved in the potty training process, they can make your life easier by cleaning up and decluttering the rest of the house, helping with laundry, and even keeping an eye on the clock to let you know when your little one might have to go.

Enlisting help with potty training will give you more one-on-one time with your child to focus on getting them to go on the potty, so don’t feel like you have to tackle the entire process on your own.

5. Take Care of Yourself

It’s easy to get discouraged during potty training. You might feel like your child isn’t getting it as quickly as they should, or that they’re almost there but still have accidents. On top of it, you’ll be dealing with more laundry and messes.

But, if you approach potty training with stress or anxiety, it’s going to make the experience a negative one for everyone. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself and prioritizing balance throughout this process, especially if you’re a working parent without the ability to spend every second at home. Self-care looks different for everyone, but some of the best strategies you can put in place include:

  • Taking breaks throughout the day;
  • Focusing on your wellness;
  • Exercising;
  • Setting boundaries.

As the old saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Self-care isn’t selfish, especially when you have young children. By prioritizing your well-being, you’ll be ready to work through this potty training experience with your little one and have a positive attitude while doing it. Not only will that make it a more enjoyable experience, but your attitude and dedication might help your child reach their goals faster.

Charlie Fletcher


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