For any parent with elementary-aged children (and even younger), ADHD is a hot topic. The condition is so prevalent in modern American society that playground discussions frequently center on diagnoses, medications, and how the behavior affects Johnny’s grades in school. For parents – especially parents of boys – any demonstration of hyperactivity, raucous behavior, or short attention spans automatically earns that boy an ADHD label, even before the official diagnosis comes from a medical professional. As a mother to two boys, I can certainly tell you that they are FULL of energy. But isn’t that what the power of youth is all about? It seems that ADHD is on the rise, especially in young American boys, but is it really? When compared on a global level, ADHD diagnoses and treatments vary dramatically. For instance, the way France defines, treats, and prevents ADHD not only sheds light on how to better treat the condition here in America, but it also hints at elements in our society that could be causing other problems.
First things first: What is ADHD?
To really understand ADHD and why it appears more in American society, first let’s take a look at the actual definition of the disorder. It is important to note that it is not defined the same way globally.
French doctors define ADHD as a sociological disorder caused by social situations. French doctors do not use the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Rather, they rely on the Classification Française des Troubles Mentaux de L’Enfant et de L’Adolescent (or CFTMEA for short). This manual was created by the French Federation of Psychiatry because French doctors wanted more than what the DSM-III offered. The CFTMEA “encourages psychiatrists to identify the underlying issues that cause a child’s symptoms and to address them using a psychopathological approach.” This ideology shapes the entire way in which the French culture interacts with ADHD.
Even though the two countries disagree on the causes and treatments for ADHD, the fact remains that ADHD exists and affects the quality of life of those afflicted.
Incredibly, only .5 percent of children in France are medicated for ADHD. That period is not a typo. I repeat, only .5 percent of children in France are medicated for ADHD. This statistic has everything to do with their definition and treatment of ADHD.
Contrasted with the near non-existence of children medicated for ADHD in France, American stats illustrate more of an epidemic. Depending on the source (CDC or APA), medicated cases in America range from nine to 15 percent of children. The American Pediatric Association, however, believes that only five percent of those diagnosed are actually true sufferers.
In the United States, ADHD is treated as a neurological disorder, which means that a heavy emphasis is placed on altering the child’s mental state through medication. The .5 percent of medicated kids in France indicate that holistic approaches do not solve 100 percent of cases. Still, the vast majority of cases are successfully treated without medication. This is important to keep in mind when considering whether or not ADHD is spurred by social or neurological conditions. Children in the UK who exhibit these symptoms are also typically listed as having a conduct disorder – not a neurological one.
While French doctors routinely examine the quantity of a child’s time spent outdoors and its effect on mental health, American doctors are slowly beginning to examine the multitude of positive effects the outdoors can have on mental and emotional health. It is well-known that being outdoors improves physical health and sleep patterns, but the effects on mental and emotional health are just as numerous. A study published in the “Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being Journal” revealed that children (diagnosed with ADHD by a physician) who spent time outdoors reported a lessening of ADHD symptoms. This validates what the French have known all along: Situations and environments can affect ADHD.
According to a report from ABC News, these additives are banned in many European countries, including France. This fact alone speaks volumes about the disparity between the number of cases in these two countries. It also begs the question: If American diets were revolutionized, would ADHD cases dwindle?
None of these facts should be used to devalue someone’s (especially a child’s) experience with ADHD. As the pop culture saying goes, “The struggle is real.” For those diagnosed with ADHD, their symptoms are real. However, in the spirit of expanding how we think about mental disorders, what if we did question the status quo and follow the lead of the more holistic doctors around the globe? What if these children didn’t need to suffer anymore because we decided to implement some of the holistic treatment options used in France? Looking more closely at the relationship between the food we eat and it’s effect on our brain, the quality and quantity of outdoor time, and our overall social environment could make a world of difference for children suffering from ADHD. While mental disorders are nothing to take lightly, as a country, we should embrace a more holistic approach to our daily lives. Perhaps other treatment options could help minimize the need for medication. My comparisons between French and American cases are not to dismiss the disorder as purely American. Indeed, ADHD occurs globally. A study from “World Psychiatry” pointed out that 19 percent of children who lived near Chernobyl were later diagnosed with ADHD. (But even this statistic begs the question regarding environmental causes of ADHD.)