Your Summer Challenge, Be Like The Sun-Here's How

by ParentCo. August 01, 2016

The summer so far has been a busy one, and last week was especially crazy. At the end of the week we were still playing "catch-up", and spent a good part of Saturday morning... So, I am giving myself a personal challenge: to be like the sun.

Radiate Warmth

I’m striving to be mindful of what my family hears from me.

Move Slowly

A few well-chosen events that we can enjoy and from which we make memories is better than rushing from event to event and not feeling like we get to enjoy any of it.

Enjoy the Sunsets

... what I mean here is allowing myself to take a break and enjoy it, guilt free.

New Chance to Shine

Every day is a new chance to shine.
Source: Be like the sun: slow down, radiate warmth, shine | The Art of Simple



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