Libra April 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo. April 01, 2016

You’re charming, friendly, and gracious. Balance is elusive.

So are decisions. Not that you’d let it show. We only see what you want us to see: parenting is an endless wonderland, your children are exceptional, and life is beautiful. C'mon, bruh. It's not all that all the time. Sometimes life is a disaster punching you in the face. Sometimes good parenting means realizing you actually had average kids, just like the rest of us. This month, take advantage of a whole gaggle of fiery planets passing through your solar 7th house of one-on-one relationships. Honestly, I hope that’s the greenhouse where you’re cultivating dank medicinal cannabis. Short of that, it’s a good time to try "new things" with "old friends." Old friends = your kids. New things = actually eating a vegetable. Venus and Pluto are gonna throw down, and someone may ask you to take sides. Don't. Practice finding balance.



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