Emotional Flexibility for Teen Girls and Their Mothers A True Benefit

by ParentCo. August 29, 2016

Queen’s University...published new research on the emotional bonds between mothers and adolescent daughters. The study examined how well mother-daughter pairs were able to manage rapid transitions between emotional states and the so-called “emotional rollercoaster” of adolescence. As expected, pairs with low flexibility...reported lower relationship quality and higher levels of maternal symptoms. Those who showed moderate levels of flexibility showed higher relationship quality and lower maternal symptoms...those with the highest degree of flexibility showed no associations with relationship quality or symptoms – suggesting that a moderate degree of flexibility is optimal for a strong and healthy relationship. In addition, the study found that the degree of flexibility demonstrated was consistently related to the mothers’ depression and anxiety symptoms, though not with the symptoms reported by their daughters... “The adolescent developmental period is an important transition for parents and adolescents alike,” says Dr. Lougheed. “Generally speaking, parents and teens who are able to ‘go with the flow’ of new emotional experiences in their relationship will likely be show better well-being in other ways as well.”
Source: News Release - Queen's researchers measure benefits of emotional flexibility in the relationship between mothers and adolescent daughters. | Queen's Gazette | Queen's University



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