Resources for Keeping Your Sanity Over Winter Break

by ParentCo. February 19, 2015

I'm giving up Facebook for a few, here. No, not for Lent. Because it's yet another winter break where my family will not be escaping this icy tundra for the turquoise shores of somewhere that drinks are legally required to have one of those paper umbrellas. Watching my feed flood with snaps of my stupid friends' toes in white sand and their (annoyingly adorable) kids frolicking in the sunshine is like salt water in my frozen wounds. I'm not bitter. I swear. So, whether it's this week, or another, here's a list of resources for keeping your sanity. You know, if you're not jetting off to somewhere that makes your friends jealous. And if you are, consider just how many photos of your tropical gallivanting those of us back home are willing to hide before we unfriend you completely. The Definitive List of Indoor Activities for Kids Card Games! That's almost as fun as sun bathing on an island, right? (Spoiler alert: It's not. I'm sorry.) Make Art. That helps. Winter Activities. Embrace it. It's almost over, right?



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